
The LABOR Paper - Serving Organized Labor Since 1896
Labor Union Members

Speak Out: #ImWithChuck

Dear Colleague,

An attack against one is an attack against all. By now you’ve likely seen that President-elect Trump insulted a Steelworkers local union president on Twitter and we cannot be silent. Union members across the country are speaking out on social media using the hashtag #ImWithChuck.

Please jump in on the Twitter conversation today with messages of solidarity for Chuck Jones, president of United Steelworkers Local 1999, which represents workers at the Carrier Corporation in Indiana.

Use #ImWithChuck when you tweet about Trump’s attack on USW Local 1999 – and here are items that you can retweet right now.

From the Steelworkers:

From the Indiana AFL-CIO:

From the AFL-CIO:

And from Montel Williams:

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