
The LABOR Paper - Serving Organized Labor Since 1896
Labor Union Members

Monthly Archives: August 2019

Labor Day Events

(call your union hall for more information)
"Labor Day - 125 years" (125th Anniversary of Labor Day as a federal holiday)
Bloomington Labor Day Parade
10 a.m. Monday Sept 2
Parade line up on Front Street in downtown Bloomington.
Parade begins at Front and S. Lee Street, proceeds south on Lee Street to Wood Street, west on Wood Street to...
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Capitol Hill measure could help unions

By Bill Knight
With Mitch McConnell’s Senate ongoing blockade of legislation, one may think, Why bother to try to improve labor law?
Two answers: Americans want unions, and reform is desperately needed.
The public’s interest in unionizing if given the chance is at a 40-year high, according to the National Opinion Research Corporation: 48 percent of non-union workers....
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