
The LABOR Paper - Serving Organized Labor Since 1896
Labor Union Members

Monthly Archives: May 2016

The State of Unions – 2016

CHICAGO- A new study released today finds that labor unions play a vital role in Illinois’ communities and economy, despite a decline of approximately 84,000 union members over the past decade. The study, The State of the Unions 2016: A Profile of Unionization in Chicago, in Illinois, and in America [PDF] was conducted by...
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TODAY is Mom’s Equal Pay Day

Today, May 16, is Mom's Equal Pay Day, the day in 2016 when mothers catch up to what fathers earned in 2015. During the month of May we celebrate mothers across the country, and we must also use this opportunity to reflect upon the ongoing struggle for fairness, dignity, and respect in the...

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What’s Killing the American Middle Class?

A new study by the Pew Research Center spurred a rash of headlines last week about “the dying middle class.” But the word “dying” might be more appropriate if we were watching the regrettable but inevitable effects of natural forces at work. We’re not. We’re seeing the fruits of deliberate action – and sometimes of...
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